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[Contents] [Accompanying CD-ROM] [Excerpts]


Table of Contents and Figures, Tables, Lists, and Documents -> TOC.pdf

Below is description of the book.

Book Description

In recent years, Web technology has become so popular that people use the Web to search information, reserve tickets, bid for an item on an online auction, and so on. Quite a number of companies utilize the Web not only for the Internet but also Intranet and Extranet. The same applies to companies that use OS/400 as their enterprise system. Users and programmers can benefit from Web technologies as they add new capability to OS/400 applications. OS/400 itself has been capable to run TCP/IP and Web server for years. V3R1 (OS/400 grew out of S/38 at this version, in my opinion) introduced ILE (Integrated Language Environment) and IFS (Integrated File System). It would be fair to say that most OS/400s in existence are quite “Web ready” because HTTP server (V3R2/7), Native Java (V4R2) and other Web technologies are already available and bundled with OS/400 at no extra charge.

However, in OS/400 (and 5250) based companies, migration to Web applications have been somewhat unfamiliar because of several reasons. For instance, 5250 interface is good enough, OS/400 programmers are not used to Web programming, and other factors (slow communication infrastructure, additional investment required to run a Web application server, availability of Web-based packages and development tools, and so on)

Regardless of these factors, Web applications are steadily spreading among midrange customers. In addition, there are factors pushing OS/400 shops to the Web. such as improved productivity through Web-based software packages and development tools, adequately resourced computing environments relating to high performance hardware at affordable cost, high-speed bandwidth, remote access by cell phone or xDLS, and freedom from the costly 5250 interactive feature.

OS/400 does not force the either/or situation to customers. It is popular to use core 5250 applications untouched and develop new applications using Web technologies or migrate applications to Web interface step-by-step, rather than all at once. Apparently, the 5250 interface will not go out disappear as long as OS/400 exists. System operators and experienced programmers may continue to work with the 5250 interface far into the future. In the meantime, however, main applications are migrating to Web interface.

Though there is no doubt that the Web is the primary way to go, Each company should formulate a long-term blueprint on their IT roadmap. IT and business are inseparably related. In other words, a company must establish its strategy based on considering future criteria and objectives for both areas.

This book is written as first step guide for those who consider building Web applications on their OS/400. It introduces the basic concepts of various Web technologies, OS/400 adaptation of the technologies, sample code (from “Hello World” to practical fast to deploy applications) and plenty of programming tips. Advanced topics that are not covered by this book can be found in the Web site introduced in this book. The examples are designed to work in most environments by exploiting base-functions of operating systems and free tools downloadable from the Internet.


Chapter 1. Getting Started
This chapter introduces basic concept of the Internet and TCP/IP. The chapter quickly goes through the TCP/IP capability of OS/400 and covers the minimum configurations to utilizing OS/400 as a Web server.
Chapter 2. CGI Programming
Common Gateway Interface (CGI) is the most popular way to provide dynamic Web application. You will learn how to create simple ITEM Query CGI programs written in ILE-RPG/COBOL/C. Also, I take an in-depth look at CGI mechanisms to create more complex Multi Conditional Query CGI programs.
Chapter 3. Web Programming Using Non-ILE Languages
It is possible to create a Web application by using various languages. I take Java (with Tomcat Web application server), Net.Data, and Perl in this chapter and explain how to install, configure, and use each language environment to create Web applications.
Chapter 4. Open System Programming with ILE-RPG
Emergence of ILE concepts brought enormous capability to the RPG language. ILE-RPG is far advanced from report generator. It is a general-purpose, multifunctional programming language. This chapter shows how to use open APIs from ILE-RPG and introduces ILE RPG for Web-related technologies such as stream I/O, character code conversion, create/parse XML file, and socket communication.
Chapter 5. Porting Open-Source Utilities
OS/400 is an open operating system that can take advantage of a variety of open-source software on the Internet. If the software conforms to POSIX specifications and does not use some functions (such as GUI, cursor control), it is not difficult to port it to OS/400. In this chapter, after showing how to port POSIX software to OS/400, I exhibit some practical tools that are ported for OS/400.
Chapter 6. Internet Mail
E-mail is one of the most popular Web applications to communicate with people around the world. In this chapter, I examine e-mail capability of OS/400 and show how to use e-mail in combination with OS/400 applications.
Chapter 7. Miscellaneous CGI Techniques
Thus far, wide-ranging information on Web technologies and related Web applications are described. This chapter covers tips and techniques to build a full-blown Web application and, explains more complicated Web applications in detail.

(The author) is an IBM Certified IT Specialist, mainly responsible for System Infrastructure, OS/Server/Cross System. He joined IBM in 1984 and has been working for S/38, AS/400, System i5 customers for more than 20 years. His current assignment is to provide advanced IT service to the large OS/400 based customers in Japan. In support of his real world experience helping customers, he has more than 20 professional certifications, including ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library) and project management. Through the years, he has been an instructor at Intermediate System Users Conference in Japan (similar to COMMON) as well as other training and education events. His topics of discussion include Linux on iSeries, Windows integration, Internet programming, and open-source software. Examples of his in-depth knowledge regarding the Internet and open-source programming can be found on his Web site homepage where he has been porting, developing, and distributing useful open-source software.

Copyright (c) 1996 - 2008 Guild Companies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Guild Companies, Inc., 50 Park Terrace East, Suite 8F, New York, NY 10034

Accompanying CD-ROM

Contents of "Examples and Utilities" CD-ROM -> CD-ROM.html

Copyright (c) 1996 - 2008 Guild Companies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Guild Companies, Inc., 50 Park Terrace East, Suite 8F, New York, NY 10034


Please read the book for complete information.

Chapter Title Page Contents
1 Getting Started 1  
1.1 TCP/IP and OS/400 1  
1.1.1 Brief Introduction to the Internet 1  
1.1.2 The Internet and IBM Midrange Computer 1 Evolving Computing Scheme
1.1.3 Configuring TCP/IP on OS/400 3  
1.1.4 Install Web Programming Related Licensed Programs 4  
1.1.5 TCP/IP - Protocol for the Internet 5  
1.1.6 Enabling TCP/IP on Your OS/400 8  
1.2 Let Your OS/400 Serve HTML 13  
1.2.1 Before You Start 13  
1.2.2 Configuring HTTP Server on OS/400 14 HTTP Server Configuration Process (Apache)
1.2.3 Serving HTML Document 29  
2 CGI Programming 36  
2.1 Common Gateway Interface 36  
2.1.1 How CGI Works 36  
2.2 Simple CGI Program Examples 45  
2.2.1 ILE-RPG CGI Program 47 Source code of RPG CGI program
2.2.2 ILE-COBOL CGI Program 49 Source code of COBOL CGI program
2.2.3 ILE-C CGI Program 51 Source code of C CGI program
2.3 Processing Complex FORMs 53  
2.3.1 Interpreting Input from a Web Browser 53 Parse_complex FORM explanation
2.3.2 Parse by Yourself 57  
2.3.3 Parse by QzhbCgiParse 67  
2.3.4 Parse by CGIDEV2 (ILE-RPG CGI Development Kit) 74  
2.4 Debugging CGI Programs 89  
2.4.1 Call CGI Program from 5250 Screen 89  
2.4.2 Debugging CGI Programs Interactively 90  
2.4.3 Debug Function of CGIDEV2 92  
3 Web Programming Using Non-ILE Languages 93  
3.1 Server-side Java - Servlet and JSP 94  
3.1.1 ASF Tomcat on OS/400 97  
3.1.2 Installation and Configuration 97  
3.1.3 Create Your First Servlet 105  
3.1.4 Simple Database Access Servlet 110 Source code of the JDBC Servlet
3.1.5 Java Server Pages 116  
3.2 Net.Data 123  
3.2.1 Macro Language for the Web 123  
3.2.2 Configuring Net.Data for AS/400 124  
3.2.3 Writing Net.Data Macros 127  
3.2.4 More SQL Macros 131 Source code of the Net.Data macro
3.3 Perl 135  
3.3.1 Starting to Use Perl for AS/400 136  
3.3.2 Perl as CGI script 139  
3.3.3 Perl CGI Script with Database Access 146 Source code of Perl script (Right click the link and select “Save as”, then save the file as “.txt” if you see garbage by just clicking the link.)
3.3.4 Perl Script Using 154  
3.3.5 Debugging Perl Script 159  
4 Open System Programming with ILE-RPG 162  
4.1 C Functions from ILE-RPG 163  
4.1.1 APIs for Open Environment 163  
4.1.2 How to Use C Functions from ILE-RPG 165  
4.1.3 C Macros 168  
4.2 CGI Program with UNIX-type Functions 172 Source code of RPGCGI2 which uses UNIX-type APIs
4.3 Stream File and Code Conversion 177  
4.3.1 Stream File Manipulation 177  
4.3.2 Character Code Conversion 183  
4.3.3 Working with XML 188  
4.3.4 Parsing XML Files 199 Source code of program which converts XML to DB2/400
4.4 Socket programming 206  
4.4.1 The TCP/IP Socket 206  
4.4.2 The Socket Server 211  
4.4.3 The Socket Client 216  
4.4.4 Executing the Programs 218  
5 Porting Open Source Utilities 221  
5.1 Porting Unix Tools to OS/400 224  
5.1.1 Openness of OS/400 224  
5.1.2 The Porting Process 225  
5.1.3 Hints and Tips on Porting 229  
5.1.4 Obtaining Ported Software for OS/400 231  
5.2 ZIP tools 233  
5.2.1 zlib and minizip/miniunz 233  
5.2.2 Using zlib 236  
5.3 The Graphical Access Counter 244  
5.3.1 WWW Count 244  
5.3.2 Using WCOUNT 247  
5.4 HTTP Log Analysis 251  
5.4.1 Analog for OS/400 252  
5.4.2 Using Analog 258  
5.5 Converting Spool Files to Adobe PDF 268  
5.5.1 Installing HPT and TIFFLIB 269  
5.5.2 Using SPL2STMF and TIFF2PDF 271 Create an AFP Spool File Using WorldType (UNICODE Capable Outline Font)
6 Internet Mail 281  
6.1 OS/400 as an Internet Mail Server 283  
6.2 OS/400 as Internet Mail Client 289  
6.2.1 SMTP and POP3 289  
6.2.2 SMTP Client - 1, SNDDST and DTW_SENDMAIL 293  
6.2.3 SMTP Client - 2, ILE-RPG SMTP Client Example (SNDM) 301  
6.2.4 POP3 Client Utilizing JavaMail API 308  
6.3 Sample Mail Application 319  
6.3.1 Requests from the Web, Get Results by Mail 319 Overview of the sample application
6.3.2 Request and Get Result by Mail 327  
7 Miscellaneous CGI Techniques 332  
7.1 Invoke CGI / Get Result 334  
7.1.1 Server Side Includes 334  
7.1.2 Calling CGI from Java Applet 339  
7.1.3 Retrieve from Office Application 342  
7.2 HTTP Cookie 346  
7.3 Pagination and Drill-down 353  
7.4 Direct File Retrieval 358 Overview of the sample Application
7.4.1 Main CGI Program RETRIEVAL 361  
7.4.2 QM Query 373  
7.4.3 CRTCSVF Command 375  
7.4.4 AFP Report Program 377 Report with AFP functions

Copyright (c) 1996 - 2008 Guild Companies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Guild Companies, Inc., 50 Park Terrace East, Suite 8F, New York, NY 10034
