0001.00 #include 0002.00 #include 0003.00 0004.00 #include 0005.00 #include 0006.00 #pragma mapinc("item","IPTULIB/ITEM(ITEMR)","input key","d",,"item") 0007.00 #include "item" 0008.00 0009.00 void main() 0010.00 { 0011.00 item_ITEMR_i_t rec[sizeof(item_ITEMR_i_t)]; 0012.00 _RFILE *fp; 0013.00 _RIOFB_T *fb; 0014.00 char *query_string; 0015.00 0016.00 /* Send HTTP/HTML header */ 0017.00 printf("Content-type: text/html\n"); 0018.00 printf("\n"); 0019.00 printf("Query Result (C CGI)\n"); 0020.00 printf("

Query Result (C CGI)

\n"); 0021.00 0022.00 /* Read the Environment variable, QUERY_STRING */ 0023.00 if ( (query_string = strchr(getenv("QUERY_STRING"), '=')) == NULL ) { 0024.00 printf("

"); 0025.00 printf("Failed to get envvar.

\n"); 0026.00 } 0027.00 else { 0028.00 query_string++; 0029.00 if ( (fp = _Ropen("IPTULIB/ITEM", "rr arrseq=N")) == NULL ) { 0030.00 printf("

"); 0031.00 printf("Failed to open database file.

\n"); 0032.00 } 0033.00 else { 0034.00 /* Search database using key value */ 0035.00 fb = _Rreadk(fp, &rec, sizeof(rec), __KEY_EQ, query_string, 5); 0036.00 /* Key not found */ 0037.00 if (fb->num_bytes == 0) { 0038.00 printf("

Item not found. "); 0039.00 printf("(KEY=%s)

\n",query_string); 0040.00 } 0041.00 /* Display search result */ 0042.00 else { 0043.00 printf("
0044.00         printf("Item number  : %5.5s\n",rec->ITNO);
0045.00         printf("category     : %20.20s\n",rec->ITCAT);
0046.00         printf("descritption : %64.64s\n",rec->ITDESC);
0047.00         printf("unit price   : %D(9,2)\n",rec->ITPRIC);
0048.00         printf("date         : %10.10s\n",rec->ITDATE);
0049.00         printf("
\n"); 0050.00 } 0051.00 _Rclose(fp); 0052.00 } 0053.00 } 0054.00 /* HTML trailer */ 0055.00 printf("Return\n"); 0056.00 printf("\n"); 0057.00 fflush(stdout); 0058.00 return; 0059.00 }