Using Count-2.5 for your AS/400

Edit HTTP configuration

Add/edit following directives to your HTTP configuration using WRKHTTPCFG command or browser configuration:

00010 Port 12345 (Port number of your HTTP instance, if any)
00020 Enable GET
00030 DefaultFsCCSID 5035 (Japan only)
00040 DefaultNetCCSID 942 (Japan only)
00050 Exec /count/* /QSYS.LIB/WCOUNT.LIB/* %%EBCDIC%%
00060 Pass /wcount/*

You should stop/start your HTTP instance for changes to take effect.

Running counter

Access to count documentation page at http://(your_server_name)(:port_number)/wcount/Count.html . You may want to see 'Example page for Count 2.5' at http://(your_server_name)(:port_number)/wcount/Count2_5-ex.html


'lit=' sometimes shows extra characters.
'auto_file_creation' in config file doesn't work for QSYS.LIB file system. You should add physical file member manually.
I've not tested all functionalities of Count-2.5, for example, 'ignore IPs' and 'authorized' in config file are not tested.
