RCVM - Usage

There are two ways to use this mail (POP3) client program. Primary interface is OS/400 command interface, "RCVM" which make it easier to run the program by providing default values and validate input fields. Java program "Rcvmail.class" runs by itself on OS/400 and even other Java execution environments.

OS/400 command interface

                            Receive POP3 Mail (RCVM)

 Type choices, press Enter.

 Mail account . . . . . . . . . . ACCOUNT      >           
 Password for the mail account  . PASSWORD     >

 POP3 server name . . . . . . . . MAILSERVER     *LOCALHOST
 Communication timeout (sec)  . . TIMEOUT        30   
 Directory to store mail  . . . . HOMEDIR        *HOME
 Leave mail after received  . . . LEAVEMAIL      *NO 
 Replace cid in HTML part . . . . REPLACECID     *YES
 Receive mail log file  . . . . . RCVLOGTYPE     *RDB 
 Mail recieve log file name . . . RCVLOGFILE     'rcvmlog'
 RDB directory entry  . . . . . . RDBDIRE        *SYSNAME                   
 UserID for RDB . . . . . . . . . RDBUSERID      *ACCOUNT  
 Password for RDB . . . . . . . . RDBPASS


 Debug output type  . . . . . . . DEBUG          *NO      
 Debug output stream file . . . . DEBUGFILE      'rcvmdebug.txt'

Most keywords are self-describing and you will find it easy to use.

Sample operation

Assuming that :

To receive a mail for user "xxxxx", run RCVM command as follows

  Mail received.                                                                

If you had not edited SOURCE(MAKE) and specified OUTPUT(*PRINT), you'll see annoying screen after execution, so just press enter to exit to 5250 screen. When successful, the received mails (and debug output if directory not specified) are stored in user home directory "/home/xxxxx".

                             Work with Object Links

 Directory  . . . . :   /home/xxxxx

 Type options, press Enter.
   2=Edit   3=Copy   4=Remove   5=Display   7=Rename   8=Display attributes
   11=Change current directory ...

 Opt   Object link            Type             Attribute    Text
       .                      DIR
       ..                     DIR
       rcvmdebug.txt          STMF
       JW370113.NOT           DIR

 Parameters or command
 F3=Exit   F4=Prompt   F5=Refresh   F9=Retrieve   F12=Cancel   F17=Position to
 F22=Display entire field           F23=More options

A mail may have multiple parts and all parts are store in the same directory, in this example, "JW370113.NOT". In this case, the directory contains four files.

"body.htm" and "body.txt" are mail body and the names are fixed by the program. "desktop.ini" is am attachment file. The last image file is inline image file which is reffered by the "body.htm".

When RCVM received mail(s) without problem, it writes mail receive log to log file specified by RCVLOGFILE paramter. As it is not possible to what character code people use, the log file "POP3/RCVMLOG" contains character data as UNICODE.. Run Query and see what has received.


If you want to use the log file from legacy languages and you want only single charset, access the log file via logical file which converts CCSID 13488(UTF-16 big endien) to other CCSID, such as 37 (US English).


 WORK WITH DATA IN A FILE                       Mode . . . . :   CHANGE
 Format . . . . :   RCVMLR                      File . . . . :   RCVMLOGL

 Received time (UTC):  2003-05-18-
 POP3 server hostname: localhost
 POP3 mail account:    XXXXX     
 Mail store home dir:  /home/XXXXX
 Leave mail on server: false
 Replace HTML CID:     true
 Debug option:         both   
 Debug output file:    /home/XXXXX/rcvmdebug.txt
 'From' header:        Somebody <foo@abc.com>
 'To' header:          "XXXXX@as400" <XXXXX@as400.bar.com>
 'Subject' header:     This is a test mail
 F3=Exit                 F5=Refresh               F6=Select format
 F9=Insert               F10=Entry                F11=Change      

Evoke from command line (Qshell or CMD.exe) interface

The RCVM command is just a from-end to simple Java program "Rcvmail". You can use Java program Rcvmail directly even without AS/400. As the main purpose of creating this program is batch B2B or B2C data transfer, so I don't explain about this issue in detail. But if your AS/400 is out of service by some reason, it is worth to know how to run the program on Windows.

Install JRE or JDK to your Windows PC and run Rcvmail Java program without parameter.

E:\JavaMail>"D:\Program Files\IBM\Client Access\JRE\Bin\java" -cp .;mail.jar;act
ivation.jar;jt400.jar Rcvmail
Required parameter(s) missing.
usage: java rcvmail account password [mailserver] [timeout] [homedir] [leavemail
] [replacehtmlcid] [rcvlogtype] [rcvlogfile] [rdbdire] [rdbuserid] [rdbpassword]
 [debug] [debugfile]

To receive mails whitout AS/400 (DB2/400) connection, call the Java program as follows.

E:\JavaMail>"D:\Program Files\IBM\Client Access\JRE\Bin\java" -cp .;mail.jar;act
ivation.jar;jt400.jar Rcvmail mail_account mail_password mail_server 10 . false
 true file rcvlogfile.txt xx xx xx both rcvmdebug.txt

Notify that "file" is specified as rcvlogtype. In this case, Rcvmail does not try to connect to OS/400 and store mail receive log to specified file ("rcvlogfile.txt" in this example). Encoding of this file is also UNICODE (UTF-16 little endien), so you can open the log file using UNICODE enabled softwares, such as Notepad.exe on Windows XP or Excel 2002 (each field is tab-separated) for later use.
