SNDM ISO-8859-1 support

What is ISO-8859-1?

ISO-8859-1 is 8bit ASCII character set which supports Western Europe and Americas languages, they are Afrikaans, Basque, Catalan, Danish, Dutch, English, Faeroese, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Icelandic, Irish, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish. For more information, see RFC1345.

What is CCSID ?

See "A brief introduction to code pages and Unicode" at "Globalize your On Demand Business"

You can find list of some IBM-defined code pages at IBM Code Pages site.

How SNDM deal with ISO-8859-1?

SNDM utility states that it supports ISO-8859-1 (CCSID 819). That means SNDM should convert specific Latin-1 EBCDIC "default CCSID"s listed below to ASCII CCSID 819 precisely and sends a mail with corresponding charset header.

Note: ISO has created ISO-8859-15 to suuport euro currency symbol and several other characters to ISO-8859-1. AS/400 (iSeries) supports ISO-8859-15 (CCSID 923, see AS/400 Roadmap to Euro Support Updated Edition (January 22, 1999) for details) but SNDM does not support it. If you are using "ECECP's CCSID"s listed below, SNDM will not correctly convert newly added characters and sends the mail with incorrect header (charset) information.

EBCDIC CCSIDs which have associated ASCII CCSID 819 (encoding scheme 4100 - ISO 8, single-byte, No code extension is allowed Number of States = 1.)

Country Language
037 1140 AFR - Afrikaans
ENA Australia Australian English
ENP - Uppercase English
ENU United States/Canada US English
NLD Netherlands Dutch
PTB Brazil Brazilian Portuguese
PTG Portugal Portugese
273 1141 DEU Austria/Germany German
277 1142 DAN Denmark Danish
NON Norway Norwegian Nynorsk
NOR Norwegian Bokmal
278 1143 FIN Finland Finnish
SVE Sweden Swedish
280 1144 ITA Italy Italian
284 1145 CAT - Catalan
ESP Spain Spanish
285 1146 ENG United Kingdom United Kingdom English
GAE Ireland Irish Gaelic
297 1147 FRA France French
500 1148 DES Switzerland Swiss German
FRS Swiss French
ITS Swiss Italian
FRB Belgium Belgian French
NLB Belgian Dutch
FRC Canada Canadian French
SQI Albania Albanian
871 1149 ISL Iceland Icelandic